Download place for free Mac xml form viewer
I know some form viewer for Mac, but the one with xml format is nowhere to be found. Can you tell me the download place for free Mac xml form viewer?
I know some form viewer for Mac, but the one with xml format is nowhere to be found. Can you tell me the download place for free Mac xml form viewer?
There are many viewers of xml forms for Mac. Some of the software is just viewers and in some software you can also edit the xml forms. Most of the xml form viewers are free software and you can find them in the Mac support forums. You should select the correct xml;
l form viewer based on your requirement and also the specifications of the software. Make sure you download the correct version of the software supported by your computer. Some of the commonly used xml form viewers are:
1. Eclipse – You can get it here – It is an easy and efficient software.
2. Macromates – You can get it here –
3. Smultron – You can get it here –