Download Verizon Internet Security Suite

How to install or download Verizon internet security suite from the Verizon’s official site? How to set up Verizon internet security suite (VISS) powered by McAfee legally?

How to install or download Verizon internet security suite from the Verizon’s official site? How to set up Verizon internet security suite (VISS) powered by McAfee legally?
1. Go to and login to your Verizon account (In case if you have a home account)
2. Go to to order VISS.
3. Select the package that you want to purchase.
4. In case if you are Verizon business account holder, then go to and log in.
5. Click on internet security suite if you have purchased the app. If you have not purchased the app, then click on Add more apps.
6. Purchase the app.
7. After completing your purchase, go to
8. Click on download now. Run the installer.
9. Again click on run.
10. Remove any other existing anti-virus software and let the install complete.