Download video from internet through computer

You are watching a movie but you want to Download the video from internet.
How it possible for you in a short time?

You are watching a movie but you want to Download the video from internet.
How it possible for you in a short time?
Want to download video from internet in a short time.Thank you dear,your idea is right.Some times there is no download link on the video and and we have to watch that video stream directly on our browser. As for example YouTube videos and some other TV shows.
But we have no time or it get stopped time to time. And we do not want to miss the video.
But we can download this video shortly and can enjoy later.
For this purpose we need a software called Internet download manager.
There are some other download managers too we may try. Whenever we will open a video stream a automatic request will generated asking that download this video with IDM.
And a simple click will download the video.
It is always possible to download videos from any website even if the site doesn’t provide any download link or button for the video. Usually in websites that provide video streaming, they normally don’t allow downloading of the videos that’s why no download button is shown. This is only to limit users to video streaming only.
This scenario is only applicable for beginners and non-technical users. For advanced users, this is not a problem. Any videos shared on the web can always be downloaded unless it is really restricted like CNN news videos then there is really no way of downloading it. The total amount of time you’ll be consuming in downloading the video all depends on the length of the video or the movie.
If you are downloading the whole movie, let’s say 1 hour 30 minutes of playback, the time to finish the download depends on the speed of your connection and the total size of the video. To download most videos on the web, use Maxthon Cloud browser. It has a built-in Download Manager that will allow you to download any shared videos on the web. See image.
To download the video, just place the mouse over the video to display the pop-up options then click Save. To download Maxthon, visit Maxthon Cloud browser. Besides Maxthon, you can also use VLC media player to download the video. Please visit Internet Download Manager downloading error and read my post there about VLC media player.