Downloading facility of faceBook user information

Facebook announced that from now user can download their information.
Can I get my information from the beginning?

Facebook announced that from now user can download their information.
Can I get my information from the beginning?
Hi David Parfit
Now Facebook is providing a new feature to its users with which they can download their Facebook account and make a back up on their hard drive. It was strange that there was no backup system available for face book, but it is now.
You can download following information from the beginning of your account
Profile, wall posts, Photos, videos, friend’s list, messages, events, notes and your comments.
To download your information Go to My account, Select Account Settings, Press Download a copy and then press my achieve Start.
All your information will be downloaded in a Zip file, and after unzip you will see a simple HTML file containing links for all your information.
You can make a copy as a backup but be careful about its security and unauthorized use.Â
Yes, that’s right. Facebook made it available so that individual users will be able to do a backup copy on their own computers that might became handy sometime in the future.
I’m not sure when did they exactly added this feature but I always see it whenever I go change some settings in the General Account Settings of my account.
But even if it is good that Facebook made a way for users to create their own backup of their own data, this is only good for those users who have their own personal computers at home because not all Facebook users have desktop computers. There are ones that need to visit a computer shop just to access his or her Facebook account.
I’m not sure how big the file is that a user will be downloading. I think it depends on the length of your account or the time when you first created your account. The longer, the bigger.
Facebook’s download link for users to download their own data
Presently Facebook is providing us a new feature but I didn’t have so much knowledge how to make use of this feature.
You guys; techyv experts, walked me through it.
Your remarks gave me insights and very specific instructions how to download my own data, how I will able to make a back-up copy on my own computer that might become handy sometimes in the future. The step by step process and image tutorials are simply workable and doable for a new user or beginner.
Thanks to Techyv.