Downloading Large Files on the Internet

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I have a problem downloading videos and large files on the internet. I have several computers connected into the network and they are working well except for the newly upgraded computer which has H67M-D2B3 Gigabyte motherboard and i5-2500 Intel quad core processor with windows 7 64-bit. I don’t think it’s the internet connection making this interruption on downloading huge files because I run a speed test and the result is perfect.  Am I missing something? Do I need some drivers to resolve this issue? Please help I don’t know what’s the problem with this computer.

Best Answer by Mahesh Babu
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 20 points N/A #105287

Downloading Large Files on the Internet


Hallo Brian,

How are you downloading the files? Are you using the web browser downloader or a internet download manager? Because the files that you are downloading are large, using the web browser downloader will download them at very slow speed and therefore even if the internet connection may be good enough, any stalling of the internet or slowing of speeds will stop the web browser downloader from finishing the download.

I will advice that you install a download manager like internet download manager and use it for downloading the files.


Mahesh Babu

Answered By 0 points N/A #105288

Downloading Large Files on the Internet


It is quite a good question to ask for internet users.sometimes big files are very hard to download such as 32 mb or 50 mb.

Sometimes you have to download it more than once or have to try for a lot of time but then again, it does not work properly.There is a small method for solving this problem.

At first, you have to find the FTP address of the File that you want to download. Remember, the file has to be larger than 32 mb.

Like, (Example)

Suppose, telnet is your internet service provider.then, telnet

From within the Telnet session, download your file to your provider's server. the screen shot of it is like…



connected to





221.Thank you for using

Once it is downloaded to the server,then spilt it to small files. Then, split b 2000b bigfile .zip

You are going to download it from your provider's server and then lastly save the file as asasasd

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