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Posted on - 11/12/2011
 Is there a limit to what I can download with Linux and does it get viruses? Are there other better operating systems in general for general uses, for I realize some operating systems will be better depending on what you want it for?
Downloading with Linux/Looking for a better operating system
Hello Abet,
Linux in an open source operating system and therefore you can download it for free from the internet. There are very many distributions of linux and therefore you have to know which on you want and then download it. For instance, there is the ubuntu version, the linux mint distribution, the redhat and many others. So just identify one and download it, and then install it on your system.
As for the virus issue, from my experience I have never had an encounter whereby a linux operating system was crushed down by a virus so you do not have to worry about that.
Clair Charles