Asked By
Keny bell
0 points
Posted on - 10/31/2012
In my office they use ISA 2004 proxy server. I have to send some date files to my friend through the dropbox application. But it says cannot connect with the proxy. I need to send these files as soon as possible. Anybody can help me to solve this problem?
Dropbox ISA2004 problem occurred when connecting to the proxy server
Hi Keny Bell,
I can suggest two way proxies to try. Number one way should be the “No Proxy” and another is “Auto Detect”. Just go to the Dropbox preferences and select proxies tab then select “No proxy” press OK then try. If not works then go to the proxies tab again from preferences and select the “Auto detect” then try. I believe it will work nicely. Let me know the result. Good luck.
Dropbox ISA2004 problem occurred when connecting to the proxy server
It seems that the problem you are encountering is because of the compatibility issues of the Dropbox with connections through ISA server. ISA server goes through a proxy authentication method called MTLM integrated that Dropbox proxy code does not support.
There is a solution provided by Dropbox support is to install ISA Firewall client. Install the application and see if this works.
I hope the information helps you with the problem you are encountering.