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0 points
Posted on - 09/27/2011
You will find these terms on CPUs, desktops and notebooks.Â
Though they are widely used most computer users have not yet understood the difference between these terms.Â
What do you understand about dual core and core 2 duo processor and what's the difference between the two?
Dual Core vs Core 2 Duo
Dual core is architecture while core 2 Duo is a registered trademark of Microsoft.
Dual core as the name implies have two processor cores. But core 2 duo is a different technology they have 65 nm platform.
If you want to compare the speed of Core 2 Duo and Dual Core the off course Core 2 Duo is much better than Dual core. Core 2 duo has further different classes like the Core 2 Quad.
Remember that all Core 2 Duo processors are Dual Core but all Dual cores are not Core 2 Duo.
Core 2 Duo, Intel i3, i5 and i7 have the same technology with only change in speed.

Answered By
0 points
Dual Core vs Core 2 Duo
Dual core means what looks like a single CPU on the outside actually contains two separate processors on the inside. Quad Cores contain 4 cores.
These all fit into a single socket.
There are a large number of Dual Core processor on the market.
The Core 2 Duo is one of these and is the fastest.
Both Intel and AMD have been making Dual Core processors for few years now.