DVD drive Not Reading Mini-DVDs

My DVD rom is not reading mini – DVDs.
The mini – DVDs are working fine on other computers.
What can be the problem?

My DVD rom is not reading mini – DVDs.
The mini – DVDs are working fine on other computers.
What can be the problem?
This kind of issue occurs very commonly on all the computers.
The problem could be your lens have gone bad or there might be dust in it.
Try to use lens cleaners to clean the DVD rom.
But, This may or may not help if the problem is with your lens.
Try to check whether you are seeing the same kind of problems with other larger DVDs'.
If the problems occur then you need to change the lens of the DVD. Or you can buy a new DVD drive.
This is the only solution if your lens has gone bad.
You can change the lens but it is not advisable to change it better buy a new one which will solve your problem.
If this is the condition of your optical drive, it may probably need proper cleaning. DVD drives whether you have a DVD-ROM or a DVD writer, it should be able to read the contents of any CDs from the normal size of CDs and DVDs down to its mini size discs. But if in case it can’t access a mini CD, you may try cleaning the lens of the optical drive. This kind of problem is usually associated with a dirty lens.
You can clean your optical drive by simply using any CD or DVD cleaner. If you have a CD or DVD cleaner for your CD or DVD player, you can use it to clean your computer’s DVD drive. You can follow the cleaning instructions done on the DVD player to clean your DVD-ROM since they both use CDs and or DVD discs.
But be cautious when using a CD cleaner. If the CD cleaner is already dirty because of too much use, buy a new CD cleaner. Avoid using dirty CD cleaners because it will damage the lens of your optical drive. Instead of simply cleaning the lens of the drive, you might end up buying a brand new DVD drive.