DVD Driver has been disconnected. Help me.

My DVD Drive says it is disconnected,how do I reconnect? Thanks for any help,it will be most appreciated..

My DVD Drive says it is disconnected,how do I reconnect? Thanks for any help,it will be most appreciated..
Your Problem with the DVD Drive is a common Problem when using a PC.
First you have to check IDE cable, Open your PC cover.
Then disconnect all cable with DVD Drive. Wash properly cable pin & Devise port.
Set drive again & start your pc. Enter a DVD Disc and try to open. If you don’t open this DVD Disc, you remember this drive is disabled or have problem.
Then you have to replace a driver.
If the New DVD Drive is not open, then you think problem of cable. This time change cable.
Then open the computer’s BIOS Program & see the drive is enabled or disabled.
If it is disabled you have to enable.
If the system reports that your DVD drive is disconnected, it’s either something got loose in the wiring of the optical drive inside the CPU or there is something unusual happening in your system that keeps saying that the drive is disconnected even if it is not. If during the previous days your computer is working as normal with the drive still functional and it’s just now that you receive this error then check if your system is infected.
Update your antivirus then run a full system scan on the whole machine. If it turns out to be clean, the next thing that needs to be checked is the inside of the CPU. Shutdown your computer first before opening the CPU case but don’t disconnect it from the power source. Next is to check the 2 sets of cables attached to the DVD drive: the ribbon cable and the power supply cable. To check if the drive has power, press on the eject button of the drive. The tray would be ejected normally. This means that it has power but to make sure, disconnect and then reconnect the power supply of the DVD drive.
After that check the ribbon cable, this is the cable controlling the drive. Try disconnecting it and then reconnect it again. Check if the other end of the cable is attached properly on the motherboard. Try pressing on it lightly. After doing that restart again your computer and see if the drive is now functioning.
Hello experts, accept my heartiest congratulation for your readable comments. All of your comments were helpful but most satisfactory was Sharaths’ one for his outstanding information which for now I am capable to fix my problem. By going through your comment, I have realized the cause of the problem. According to your instructions, I have scanned the whole machine, checking the ribbon cable, as usual other activities which you have mentioned in your comment, all task doing accurately now I saw in surprise that my problem has disappeared, I can reconnect my DVD Drive. Thanks Sharath for your apt remedy. Your comments are very excellent. I could learn a lot from you and I could easily fix the problem of my DVD Drive.