DVD it Pro HD in Windows 7 showing error

I am using DVD it Pro HD in Windows 7, recently I received error saying that the program is no longer working, I already burned the project 2 times without any error. How to overcome the error ?

I am using DVD it Pro HD in Windows 7, recently I received error saying that the program is no longer working, I already burned the project 2 times without any error. How to overcome the error ?
Hi there Trevor:
The message says ‘The Program is No Longer Working’, so meaning there’s a slight to huge damage on the software. Since you are able to save two (2) projects before the message occurred. I recommend that you upgrade your DVDit Pro HD. Uninstall your recent DVDit Pro HD along with its associated tools. And download the new version. Here’s the link where you can download the latest version of DVDit Pro HD. https://www.windows7download.com/free-win7-dvdit-pro/
Thank you for asking.
Best regards, Â Â