Asked By
20 points
Posted on - 01/05/2013
For the last few days, I have been troubled with the following error.

Dynamic Performance Tables not accessible, Automatic Statistics disabled for this session
You can disable statistics in the preference menu, or obtain select privileges on the v$session, v$esstat and v$statname tables
Can you give me a solution please?
Dynamic Performance Tables not accessible
Hellow asker,
I am researceh and finally go to the point. I realized that login into PL/SQL Developer with a new user, or execute the sql refer to the dynamic table, you may get such an error
There are two ways to resolve this error:
1. grant SELECT ANY DICTIONARY to username;
2. Disable this function of PL/SQL Developer
Tools->Preferences->Options -> uncheck the option "Automatic Statistics"
If this is not effective ever then you should contact with your technical support.
I recommend to use original copy of the software.
With Wishes
Shifflett Laurel