Asked By
0 points
Posted on - 11/22/2011
Good day everyone,
On my new computer I have installed Windows XP Professional.
A few days ago I start using e-TDS program for accounting and tax.
When I try to Validate the file I got an error message.
I don't know why I got this error. Any suggestions?
E-TDS Validation Utility
Invalid Input or Error/Response or Upload file
Answered By
lee hung
75 points
E-TDS validation utility upload file error
Hello Jeremmiah,
You should check that you are choosing the right location to the file so as to validate it, and also check if you are trying to validate a file that is empty because that may be the possible cause of the problem.
You can try restarting the application and see if it will work. Also try using the other two fields one at a time to locate the directory of the file and see if it will work. I am sure the error is as result of how you carrying out the process, I do not think the application itself has a problem.
Hope this helps.
Lee Hung