Ea sports fifa 11 tackle

You have 2 kinds of tackle: standing tackle and sliding tackle. You must go settings and assign the keys you want to do the tackles. You can make your own configuration or you can use a general one.
Open the game settings from the folder where you installed the game and you will see the keys you can change. I will tell you the general keys for sliding and standing tackle. Where you see sliding tackle you put "a" and where you have standing tackle you should put "d". Standing take is used when you are close to an opponent and you want to press him. You just have to keep "d" pressed and your player will automatically try to take the ball without producing a free kick.
Here are several instructions on how to do different tackle techniques in FIFA 11. This method describes how to win a standing tackle. To do this, go back to your own penalty box and then pass the ball to any of the enemy players and then rush him down. If your game’s difficulty is set to Amateur, the enemy will not trick the ball past you and this will give you an easy opportunity to tackle. You can also press “A” [360] to execute a standing tackle but normally the game will do it automatically for you. Now effectively win the ball by doing a standing tackle.
The next technique describes how to do a complete sliding tackle. Dribble the ball first into your penalty box with your Virtual Pro back. After that, pass the ball in front of an enemy player, rush him down, and then line up yourself with him. Press “X” [360] when you are near him to execute a slide tackle straight into the enemy player. To see a different method of doing a tackle, visit FIFA 11 Defender Beginner 1 to 10