EAGLE cannot perform the requested action

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello there,

It seems like I have some restriction when I want to use some features. On the website didn’t say anything about the restriction and it should work. Did I miss something when I installed EAGLE ? What should I do to solve this error ?

Thanks !


The Light edition of EAGLE can’t perform the requested action!

See Help for further details.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #179068

EAGLE cannot perform the requested action


If your application has a full version aside from the light version then I guess you can refer or associate the light version to a program’s trial version. Usually, a trial version has the full version’s features but most of the time in trial version these features can’t be used because it requires that you upgrade your version to the full version.

This type of a trial version sometimes doesn’t expire because of limited functionalities. There are also trial versions that offer the full version’s functionalities and features, which as if you already installed the full version. But this kind of a trial version is, most of the time, offered with a limited time only or it expires after a specific number of days.

In your case, I guess the first type applies because you can’t use a certain function in the program since it is running on the light version. If you want to fix it and still use the function or command, you should upgrade to the full version. If your application is available in light version then there should also be a full version. Just upgrade to the full version and it should fix the problem.

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