Earn money to convert audio file into text
Calling all the experts out there.
I love to convert Audio file into Text and wish to know if this could be my source of income? I also want to know the requirements for the same.
Calling all the experts out there.
I love to convert Audio file into Text and wish to know if this could be my source of income? I also want to know the requirements for the same.
Being an uncommon way of earning money, this method is revealed less to avoid competitors. In case you have good listening and typing skills, then by converting the audio file into text, you can easily pay your bills.
Without any prior investment, such jobs allow you to earn more based on your comfort.
Following websites may be of help.
• Quicktate: Following the guidelines, you have to transcribe audio files into text. Pay band is good.
• Scribie: Gives $1 for every 360 seconds of transcription of an audio file. Initially, the pay is less but the experience earned is valuable.
• Speechpad: Pays you $1 per minute of audio conversion. A pair of headphones and working internet connection is required to go far in this field. Hope that’s what you needed.