Easy to use software for creating newsletters

 I would like to find a software for creating Newsletters. I want one that is easy to navigate and very user friendly. Can you give me suggestions?

 I would like to find a software for creating Newsletters. I want one that is easy to navigate and very user friendly. Can you give me suggestions?
Hello and good day!
There are a lot of useful and easy to use software out there that can help you. Unfortunately the good ones have a price tag on them so you may have to cough up some cash to if you want the best. There are free ones as well but they lack some of the features of the paid software. A good one I use from time to time is Scribus, best of all its free! It also supports a variety of operating systems (Windows, Mac & Linux) so you're covered whichever platform you want to use it. You can get Scribus here: Download Link. Also if you are interested in other software that can offer a little bit more than Scribus, you can check out this link: Download Link1, About.com has compiled a nice list of newsletter creators though most of them are not free but otherwise they are very good programs worthy of making it on the list. Take your pick on which you like best. Most paid software offers trial periods for you to test if you like it before buying it.
Have a good day!