eDrawing unhandled parsing exception occurred

I can’t open drawings using eDrawings2013, this is the error I am getting.

Unhandled parsing exception.
Please report fault.

I can’t open drawings using eDrawings2013, this is the error I am getting.
Unhandled parsing exception.
Please report fault.
In your case, if you are using Microsoft Windows 8 and higher, eDrawings Viewer will not work because its compatibility is limited only until Microsoft Windows 7. And that’s the newest possible operating system where you can run it. For Windows users, eDrawings Viewer supports Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.
For Mac users, it is very limited only to Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard and 10.7 Lion. To fix your problem on Microsoft Windows 8, try running eDrawings Viewer under compatibility mode. In your desktop, right-click on the shortcut of eDrawings Viewer and select Properties. Select Compatibility tab. Under “Compatibility mode” section, check “Run this program in compatibility mode for”, click on the dropdown menu, select any of the supported operating systems mentioned above [Windows XP, Windows Vista, or Windows 7], and click OK. See image.
Run eDrawings Viewer again and see if it works. Running the program under compatibility mode is just a test and doesn’t guarantee that it will work.