Effects of cellular phones radiation

Radiation of cellphones has an effect to our body. Are recent studies made available to lower radiation?

Radiation of cellphones has an effect to our body. Are recent studies made available to lower radiation?
Mobile phones release much lower frequency radiation, but its unknown in case these milder frames of radio frequency (RF) can create unfriendly biotic updates to people. Yet the way that cells are frequently expected near remember the form, either right apace with the head or in a pocket, has brought on some concern near specialists who accept that radio frequency life seems to be osmosis into the form and can create harm to units or even adjust wireless users DNA. Yet keeping a telephone 10 millimeters at a distance from your head would be able to reduction the baring of RF radiation to the form by about 100 times. Do mobile devices cause cancers? Researchers accept they are getting closer to some sort of response.
Dear Garrick Sanderford The radiation effect on human body is still an on going debate. However after the World Health Organization announcement in March 2011 which classified electromagnetic fields from mobile phone. After this different countries like Austria, France, Germany and others have developed precautionary measure to lower the radiation. To avoid these possibly carcinogenic waves hands free should be used most of the time (however this was reported to increase exposure rather than decreasing by British Consumers' Association in year 2000). The texting should be proffered instead of call. Refrain form using of mobile in a car without external antenna.