Email window blink, and I am unable to type.

While typing email on Outlook, Email window blink, and I am unable to type. How this problem can be fixed?Â

While typing email on Outlook, Email window blink, and I am unable to type. How this problem can be fixed?Â
The account you used on your log in ID cannot be signed as an individual. And the account cannot recognize to work. Thus your writing page will not shown on your system.
At first you log out it complete ever used to. and Internet connection modem also un install properly. then shut down your system. Then open your Computer as usual. Scan should use in the whole background. (i) Install Internet Connection Modem (ii) browser should open and check there if sign in (iii) outlook will sign in.
you should try by these instructions. You can type then on your account. Wish you can. Thanks
I think the problem here is caused either by your software or by your connection that’s cut out. If this is the first time that this happens, try closing the program and then open it again. See if you can now work with it and send emails again. You can also check if the problem is caused by your internet connection. You can always check it using your web browser. Open your browser and then browse any websites you frequently visit. There should be no problem loading the site if your connection is good.
You can check the internet cable at the back of the CPU if your connection is somewhat losing. Make sure the cable is securely connected on the port where it is plugged in. If the problem persists and there is no problem in the connection, try reinstalling Microsoft Office Outlook and configure it again with the right settings given to you by your Internet Service Provider.
Wow! These were very insightful comment. By giving me an opportunity to read these comments, I have come to know, the root causes of my problem which I was not aware of. According to your advice, checking net connection, internet cable at the back of the CPU as well given other instruction, then these efforts become in vain and then I have gotten rid of this problem after reinstalling and configuring the Microsoft Office Outlook. Now I am able to type and problem has gone. Because of your informative comments, I’ve got a lot of ideas in Microsoft Office Outlook. Thanks guys, for clearing up about my problem as well for fixing remedy too.