Emails on synced laptops and desktops

If we have been using laptops in our “remote” office and we want to bring them back to home base, can we sync them with our base camp desktops and continue getting all emails together on both machines? Thanks.

If we have been using laptops in our “remote” office and we want to bring them back to home base, can we sync them with our base camp desktops and continue getting all emails together on both machines? Thanks.
I had a similar problem, when I required to have my laptop up-to-date with the Emails in my office.
We had a web access to our Exchange server, but, most of the time this was not working according to my expectations. I started searching for a way out and found too many programs on the net that I got totally confused. Then I saw a colleague using following program, and it completely met my requirements.
I went for the TRIAL version of both the programs one by one, and BOTH of them were perfect for my use.
The programs are:
1- Sync Outlook Home Edition, which can be downloaded from:
2- SynchPst Basic, which can be downloaded from:
The basic difference between both the programs is that Sync Outlook needs to be installed on BOTH the computers, while SynchPst is to be installed on your laptop (secondary computer)
The installation of both the programs is relatively easy, and complete instructions are also available on the download sites