Asked By
caspian zec
30 points
Posted on - 08/15/2012
Hello TechyV buddies!
I am having some problem with our ESXi 4.1.0 hosts. The management network is not enabled.
If I try to enable the management network an error occurs.
The error message is this: "Operation on the management network interface failed"
Although the management network is disabled I can still do a ssh connection via management network interface IP address. This is because there is no connection via vsphere client o the vcenter.
How can I configure this problem?
Can I restart the management network?
Is there any other way not to restart the host server?
Can anyone help me solve this issue?
I have tried to fix this problem by myself but I still can’t get it done.
I will be very thankful for any help rendered.
Thank you!
Enable Management Network: Error Network Interface Failed
Hello Caspian,
To resolve the issue you are getting, try the following workaround:
Remove the entries for the vmnic5_NAS02 as well as vmnic6_NAS03 in /etc/vmware/esx.conf.
After that restart the management agent direct on the host console, and try restarting via the ssh connection using the following services: "./sbin/ restart".
Check if the Management Network is enabled after that and then check if you to enable it still shows up with "Enable Management Network: Error", as well as the "Operation on the management network interface failed."
Next you will need to compare the esx.conf with an esx.conf file from another host and see if it is OK.
Other things that you should try are:
Restarting the management agents using the dcui.
Checking the log errors.