Enable Perl and MySql on XAMPP

Hi there
I have installed XAMPP server in my windows 7 laptop, How do i enable writing perl scripts using mysql database?

Hi there
I have installed XAMPP server in my windows 7 laptop, How do i enable writing perl scripts using mysql database?
Hi Alonzo,
The usual configuration must allow you to do that. It applies when your MySQL server is in the same box. You can establish connection to MySQL database using the DBI Perl module, an abstraction mechanism by which Perl can interact with the MySQL database server. All you need is a valid installation of Perl and MySQL in your box which means that you have successfully install it upon XAMPP installation.Â
You need to install back-end module for DBI to communicate to MySQL which is DBD::mysql
If you are using Debian based systems including Ubuntu you use:
apt-get install libdbd-mysql-perl
On RedHat based systems use:
yum install perl-DBD-mysql
On Windows systems
Install ActiveState Perl
Check https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/activestate-perl.html for more info.
I hope it helps.