Enable Replication failed authenticate using Kerberos authentication

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


Virtual Machine is giving me this error. It is not my first error from Virtual Machine but could manage them and I could continue the processes. It seems like I cannot solve this one and please is there any online expert that can help me with this one ?

Thanks !



Enabling replication failed.

Hyper-V failed to enable replication.

Hyper-V failed to authenticate using Kerberos authentication.

Hyper-V failed to enable replication for virtual machine ‘REPLICAVM’: The connection with the server was terminated abnormally (0x00002EFE). (Virtual Machine ID B8F6E12A-7BF4-420D-8FC6-E1DAE370EADF)

Hyper-V failed to authenticate the Replica server REPLICAHOST2.REPLICADOMAINE.com using Kerberos authentication. Error: The connection with the server was terminated abnormally (0x00002EFE)


Answered By 5 points N/A #179268

Enable Replication failed authenticate using Kerberos authentication


The error you are receiving while trying to enable Hyper-V replica could be due to the fact that you need to manually configure the hosts’ Service Principal Name (SPN) attributes.

I have listed some steps below on how to configure SPN attributes:

  1. Open the ADUC (Active Directory Users and Computers) and find the virtual server host
  1. Right-click on the virtual server and select its properties. With the properties window open, click on the tab marked Attribute Editor.
  1. Click on the servicePrincipalName attribute to highlight it
  2. Click on the Edit button at the bottom of the window to edit the attributes
  1. If the entries as listed below don’t exist, add them, or if they are incorrect, correct them as per the tables below.  This must be done for the source server, as well as the target server.  The attribute values must be entered with the matching server’s NetBIOS name as well at its FQDN.

Details for the source server:

Hyper-V Replica Service/SOURCESERVER


Microsoft Virtual System Migration Service/SOURCESERVER

Microsoft Virtual System Migration Service/SOURCESERVER.DOMAIN.LOCAL

Microsoft Virtual Console Service/ SOURCESERVER

Microsoft Virtual Console Service/ SOURCESERVER.DOMAIN.LOCAL

Details for the target server:

Hyper-V Replica Service/ TARGETSERVER


Microsoft Virtual System Migration Service/ TARGETSERVER

Microsoft Virtual System Migration Service/ TARGETSERVER.DOMAIN.LOCAL

Microsoft Virtual Console Service/ TARGETSERVER

Microsoft Virtual Console Service/ TARGETSERVER.DOMAIN.LOCAL

In the example below, I have illustrated the Hyper-V Replica Service SPN attribute “Hyper-V Replica Service” entry for the source and target servers NetBIOS name and also it’s FQDN.


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