Enabling Active Directory Recycle Bin How?

How to Enable Active Directory Recycle Bin?
Windows 2008 has this feature, now how can i activate or use it.?
Helpful if i get the different ways to enable and retrieve.

How to Enable Active Directory Recycle Bin?
Windows 2008 has this feature, now how can i activate or use it.?
Helpful if i get the different ways to enable and retrieve.
To enable Active Directory Recycle Bin using Ldp.exe
1. To open Ldp.exe, click Start, click Run, and then type ldp.exe.
2. To bind and link to the server that hosts the forest root dominion of your AD DS setting, under Connection, click Connect, and then click Bind.
3. Click on the View tab, click Tree, now BaseDN, choose the configuration directory partition, and click OK.
4. In the support tree, double-click the renowned name of the configuration directory panel, and then navigate to the CN=Partitions container.
5. Than Right-click on the CN=Partitions container’s renowned name, and then select Modify.
6. In the Modify dialog box, just keep remembered that the DN box is empty.
7. In the Modify dialog box, in Edit Entry Attribute, then just type enableOptionalFeature.
8. In the Modify dialog box, in Values, type CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,DC=mydomain,DC=com:766ddcd8-acd0-445e-f3b9-a7f9b6744f2a. Substitute mydomainand com with the suitable forest origin domain name of your AD DS environment.
9. In the Modify dialog box, below Operation click Add, then Enter, and then click Run.
10. To confirm that Active Directory Recycle Bin is permitted, navigate to the CN=Partitions container. In the specifics pane, locate the msDS-EnabledFeature characteristic, and check that its significance is set to CN=Recycle Bin Feature,CN=Optional Features,CN=Directory Service,CN=Windows NT,CN=Services,CN=Configuration, DC=mydomain,DC=com, wherever mydomain and com characterize the proper forest origin domain name of your AD DS environment.