Encountered Issue While Using My Visio

Can someone explain this to me?
I recently encountered an interesting issue while using my Visio.
I was using Visio Services to publish and view my works when an error report popped up:

Visio Services was unable to refresh external data connections in this Web drawing because of changes in the structure of an underlying data source. One or more columns in this data source have changed the data type after this web drawing was last saved. To resolve this issue, restore the data types of the affected columns to their previous values or update the data connection information in this Web drawing using Visio.
I had a couple of resources taken from and were linked to an SQL server data when this happened so I looked into it. The thing is, I found a DATETIME2 datatype in my SQL so I tried deleting it and it worked. It was an iffy solution, that’s why I’m here asking for an alternative solution.
Thanks for entertaining my queries!