The Encryption Procedure for MySQL in Web Programming

Good day,
I am a newbie in web programming and I am coding a registration page. For this, I will just ask the encryption procedure for MySQL.
Thank you so much.

Good day,
I am a newbie in web programming and I am coding a registration page. For this, I will just ask the encryption procedure for MySQL.
Thank you so much.
This a short code to help you understand how to use Encryption using PHP and MySql. Â Created a Text Field for the username and the password. Â A necessary step necessary to access the database. You will enter that information in the query with an encryption request.Â
I hope this is very helpful.Â
I am assuming that you have Apache, Mysql and PHP installed in your system. In case you haven't, just download xampp. Now open phpmyadmin home page, Login to your account. Now you will see an option create new database, type here the name you want to give it For ex. "database_for_registration" and then click on the create button. Now create the table and enter the fields to your table for ex. username and password and set privileges.Now you need to create database connection page.
Laz Zebbena