Enet port is cisco which is configured to be used for VLAN

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hi all,

I´m a telecommuter who has just entered an internet dark zone.  I had a T1 line for years but due to budget cuts I have to pay for it now so I obviously wanted to use it for both work and my personal use.  I employed a network expert who says it is not secure to have it at home and I should but a switch that costs over $1000 dollars. 

The company I am using is Cisco and the enet port is cisco which is configured to be used for VLAN.  The IT department says that this is too risky and they won´t do it but other telecommuters I know are doing it so I want to know honestly, what is going on?

Answered By 0 points N/A #134953

Enet port is cisco which is configured to be used for VLAN


Honestly what they are doing is illegal. But many companies are doing it for money, of course, and this happens with the permission of the IT department in each company. It means that there is a leak of money in the IT department. You have to be careful, if you are still doing it CISCO will sue you if they find proof, as you are using their services without permission/payment.


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