Why am I getting this weird error message while installing Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent?
Is there any way to resolve this error?
If you have any idea then, suggest me properly with full instructions.
I would be grateful to you.
Thanks for any help. I am using Windows XP.
Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent
Error while installing: System error 0x800708B0 (The account already exists.).
Error 0x800708B0 when installing Network agent
The issue is mainly due to the instance of use of a pirated or fake Kasperskey software. This takes place due to the existence of duplicates of the Kasperskey Laboratory Administrators and ​Kasperskey Laboratory Operators. Thus, to solve this issue:
Open the node Users in Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in.
Delete Kasperskey Laboratory Administrators and ​Kasperskey Laboratory Operators clones with names containing CNF. ​
Correct the Group name in properties of the main Kasperskey Laboratory Administrators and Kasperskey Laboratory Operators groups, by replacing $DUPLICATE-ххх with main group name, which are "KLAdmins" for KLAdmins, "KLOperators" for KLOperators
After that, try installing the kasperskey network agent again.