Error 1 : Filename must be either an absolute pathname or blocklist

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

good morning

i feel confuse because i have this error in my computer at this moment and  i don't know what to do.

I wanted to install grub-gfx but i didn't succeed and i cannot boot from any of my os.I then took my live CD and installed grub but i cannot boot from windows

this is the message please help

Error 1 : Filename must be either an absolute path name or blocklist


Error 1: Filename must be either an absolute pathname or blocklist

Press any key to continue.

Answered By 0 points N/A #122122

Error 1 : Filename must be either an absolute pathname or blocklist


As what that image is trying to say, I think you have a problem in your Bootstrap Loader. Without it, your screen will always be like that. There is no other solution for a bootstrap loader to be fixed but a complete reformat and Windows installation. Bootstrap loader is different from the Windows system. Bootstrap loader is a small program that starts the sequence of loading the Operating System or the Windows operating system to the memory for booting. Without it you cannot load Windows.

This is similar to a Boot Manager.

Even if you boot on your bootable Windows XP installer CD, and do a repair, it will do no good. Just reformat the hard drive and reinstall your Windows OS.

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