Hello experts,
Why am I getting this error when I try to run an IVI example in labVIEW. How to fix error -1074135025 when running an IVI example in labview? What is the cause of this error? I have searched for the solution but I could not find. I need an expert’s advice to resolve the following error. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Error-1074135025 occurred at IviScope Initialize with options.vi
Possible Reason(s):
Primary Error: (Hex 0xBFFA000F) Invalid parameter.
Complete call chain:
IviScope Initialize with Options.vi
IviScope Initialize.vi
IviScope- Acq Wfm Edge Triggered.vi
Error -1074135025 occurred at IviScope
Hi Harry K Draper
First of all you can try the IviScope Initialize. VI without option.
If the problem same then checked the parameters which are sent in the Initialize command
Then you mostly perform the self text in max to check that you are sending commands to the device.
For deeply solution.
Regards From
Whitaker Sorg
Error -1074135025 occurred at IviScope
The cause of this error is that a .dll file for the driver IVI requires (Agilent Technologies hp54645 Oscilloscope) has not been ported to 64-bit at the time. As such, it created the error you're experiencing. To fix this problem, follow the steps below:
1. Click this link
2. Scroll down the page and click the green "Login and download" button next to the product you have.