This one’s a bit vague for me.
Error received during the installation of MessageStats Web Reports: "Error 1904. Module C:Program FilesCommon FilesQuest SharedWeb Reports4.3QSWebWizard.dll failed to register. HRESULT -2137024770. Contact your Support personnel".
Error 1904 – HRESULT -2137024770. Contact your Support personnel
Hello Olivia,
The following are the possible as to why you are getting that error during the installation of your MessageStats web reports:
The setup application you are using for installation may be having bugs and therefore cannot be installed successfully. You will therefore need to download or get another setup and use it and see if it will install successfully.
Use CCleaner to get rid of all broken files as registry entries on your computer that are associated with MessageStats that may be resulting into the error you are getting right now. After you have cleaned you system you can try running the setup again and see if it will work.
If you are not logged on with the administrator account you will have to log out and log it with it. The account you have logged with right now may be having limited credentials that do not allow you to install application.
Hope this helps.
Error 1904 – HRESULT -2137024770. Contact your Support personnel
That’s a possible compatibility issue because a DLL file failed to register during installation. If you are installing the program on your Windows XP, check that your computer meets the requirements. If the program is a download, visit the website again then check the system requirements. Verify that your operating system is supported. Also check for additional requirements like if the program requires Microsoft .NET Framework and others.
Install all required components first before installing the program itself. If this doesn’t work, try disabling your antivirus temporarily before installing the program. It is possible that your security program is interfering with the installation process. See if this works.