Hello everyone,
I am using gevey for unlock currently on baseband 4.10.01 of my iPhone
I am using Windows. I tried to update software to 5.0.1 while preserving baseband. I used snowbreeze successfully to create a custom firmware. I get error 2005 as I try to restore in iTunes.
Firstly I got error 3195 and I used tiny umbrella to fix that error.
I did a lot of things to solve this error 2005 but all in vain.
I switched USB port, Updated and Downgraded iTunes but again all things unable to solve this.
I am waiting for a solution for my case.
Thank you.
Error 2005 – Cannot restore iTunes
Hi John,
Your problem which is Error 2005 is a common error of many IOS users when trying to restore any firmware but don't worry there are two ways to solve this problem:
1.      Use Tiny Umbrella:
Download and install Tiny Umbrella to your computer.
Launch Tiny Umbrella once the installation is done then plug in your iPhone to your computer. Tiny Umbrella will automatically detect your device once its connected.
Uncheck the "Set Hosts to Cydia on Exit (If you need a clean restore from Apple uncheck this box)" then close Tiny Umbrella and iTunes.
Open our iTunes then restore it again.
2.      Change your USB port or cable from hub to main/main update hub Or your USB drivers.