Error 2005 on Restoring iPhone

Asked By 40 points N/A Posted on -

My iPhone was jailbroken with iLibertyX. But it was still lock after jailbroken it.

I received an error "The iPhone 'iPhone' could not be restore. An unknown error occurred (2005)" when trying to restore it.

Any fix about this?

Best Answer by lee hung
Answered By 0 points N/A #103066

Error 2005 on Restoring iPhone



The error message "The iPhone 'iPhone' could not be restore. An unknown error occurred (2005)" that your  getting when you tried to restore your iPhone is caused by either a faulty USB cable/Extension cable or you are using a USB hub.

Solution to this problem;

If Using USB hub – Try and directly connect USB cable of your iPhone to the USB socket at the back of your computer.

If Using faulty USB cable/Extension cable – the cable needs to be replaced in order for you to restore your iPhone.

I hope this helps you with restoring your iPhone.

You have a great day.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 75 points N/A #103067

Error 2005 on Restoring iPhone


The fix for this problem is very quick and easy. But there is one con – this works only for Windows, not for Mac. And it works for iPhone 2G & 3G and  iTouch 1G & 2G.

To fix this error, you need to download iREB (iTunes Restore Error Bypasser), which is a small clever tool. Below is the step by step procedure you need to follow:

1. Download the iREB.

2. Connect your iPhone to PC and Lunch iTunes.

3. Bring your iPhone to Recovery (DFU) mode. To do this, press and hold the power button and home button together for about 10 seconds. Then release only the power button (still holding the home button). iTunes will inform you that an iPhone in recovery mode is detected.

4. When the iPhone in recovery mode is detected, close iTunes.

5. Open iREB program

6. Fond your device and click on it to select. Wait sometimes and the screen will become red or white.

7. Launch iTunes.

8. Hold the SHIFT key and click on restore.

9. A new window will open. From this window browse your preferred firmware to which you want to restore.

10. You are done! iTunes will restore your iPhone to your selected firmware without any error.

Answered By 40 points N/A #103068

Error 2005 on Restoring iPhone


Thanks Samson Green and Heiley Paint.

I followed the steps given by Heiley Paint on using iReb. And it worked!

Thank you so much!

Thanks TechyV!

Answered By 0 points N/A #103069

Error 2005 on Restoring iPhone


Hello Conam

As a iPhone users, my recommendation go this Techyv page and get more information about different kinds of iPhone error as well it's solutions too.

Top Common 10 iPhone Errors

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