Error 3194 when trying to update iPhone

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am trying to update my iPhone to the latest iOS 5 but I am receiving error 3194. I am currently under iOS 4.3.5. I already downloaded iOS 5 IPSW Firmware but still receiving the same error. Kindly please send me some solutions to this. Thank you.

Answered By 0 points N/A #121230

Error 3194 when trying to update iPhone


Error 3194 is very common, so don't get worried. It is triggered by a number of reasons, that are covered below. First of all make sure that you have updated softwares from the Apple website, i.e. ITunes (No beta versions), and your operating system whether its Windows or Mac OS, or else completely updated. Then if you have any antivirus installed, make sure you disable the firewall for this update to IOS 5. After that, download the software 'Tiny Umbrella' from you can see the download links at:


Download the appropriate version for your operating system, then run the app, go to the advanced options and UNCHECK the "Set Host to Cydia on Exit" and after this, make sure you REBOOT your computer, otherwise this patch won't work.

After you reboot, start iTunes. Now make sure you connect your iPhone in DFU (Device Firmware Update) mode. To enter DFU, follow the simple steps:

1) Connect the iPhone to your computer
2) Turn the iPhone off by holding down the power button at the top of the iPhone
3) Hold down the sleep/power button and home button together for 10 – 15 seconds, then release the power button (don't release the home button).
4) Continue to hold down the Home button until the message appears in iTunes saying you an iPhone in Recovery mode has been detected.
(To make sure you are in DFU mode, your iPhone will be displayed in iTunes, and your iPhone's screen will be blank, no iTunes or restore logo)

After this, update your iPhone by simply clicking on the update button while holding Shift key for windows or holding the command button for Mac OS, so that iTunes ask you to provide the location of IOS 5 IPSW (the one you downloaded). Lastly, sit back and enjoy your iPhone being updated to IOS 5!

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