Hi all.
I am receiving this message while I’m trying to uninstall Revo unistaller pro. But at the primary stage I tried spyware and said it was trying to run on startup so it said quarantine so I did, Now I move back to uninstall the program again and crushed with this error 5:
Unable to create a temporary file. Set up aborted.
Error 5: Access is denied.
I don’t understand about the reason why it needs to make a temp when I’m trying to uninstall. Waiting for ideas? How will I uninstall this program?
Suggestion will be appreciated. Thanks.
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Error 5: Access is denied in running Revo uninstaller Pro
Why do you use Revo Uninstaller pro rather than using the "Programs and Features". It is easier than "Revo Uninstaller pro".
Whatever ill come with your questions.
The spyware you trying was running that time and it run when the system boots. When you quarantine the app it still in active in startup. For this you have to change the settings has not to start the application in the startup/ when the system boots in Revo Uninstaller pro. After this you can uninstall it using Revo Uninstaller pro or simply run the Revo Uninstaller pro as Administrator.
I think this will help with your questions.
Thank you.