The frequent issue of “Camera Not Working” error has popped up after the Oreo update in my Android flagship phones. The applications using a camera such as Snapchat crashed as soon as they were opened. The device is a One Plus device, purchase 2 years back. Kindly help with the solution.
Error “Camera Not Working”
First of all, for those who are panicking, “Camera Not Working” is not a hardware issue. If the issue was regarding the hardware, you would be able to see some lines on the screen or the screen would simply black out. But since it is none of the above, we can focus on solving the software issue.
1. If you are facing this issue after the update, you need to go back to the older version immediately. This error is shown because your phone camera does not support the latest Android version. You can roll back to Android Nougat and the problem will be resolved.
2. Another solution to this problem is, you can force stop the camera from the settings menu and try to open again. If this doesn’t work, uninstall the camera updates and use the older version.
3. If nothing works, you could try the factory data reset option from the settings menu to wipe out the data and start fresh.