I have to use AD 2.3 to create Smartform. But it flushed me with an alert message saying "Error caught in SSC" and the SSC is the relative path upto<pageName>.html. The page reloads properly after clicking the OK button. This message is generated from showpage(), a Javascript function, that is used to reload the form.
Note – This error only occurs in IE7 whereas in Mozilla Firefox it works properly.
Can anyone please explain it for me whether this is about browser incompatibility or Javascript issue in AD 2.3?
Need a solution please. Thanks.
Error caught in SSC: only in IE7 not in Mozilla Firefox
For the recent or current version CIS24 this problem has not occurred to anyone. However there might be something unusual in the environment that you are using to work into.
Check to make sure that all the components are completely integrated with one another.
Leave IE for good and switch to Mozilla. You will keep getting this error because the routines that IE do uses some complex level of referring to objects and that is why it can't find the page.html and shows the error.
Once done, reconfigure your AD software and define access points for every page.
Create the page again with no data in it at all and then try to run it in IE to see if there is something wrong with the format of page you create or is the IE really the problem.