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Posted on - 07/18/2011
Hello there,
I had some problems with Installation using Web platform Installer 2.0. In using WPI, Moodle did not accept Database password. When it asked me to Enter application information, I was trying to write Database password and then click on Continue and it prompted me with this error message.
Cannot use the value ‘****’ for parameter “Database Password”. The value must match the regular expression
I think the regular expression I provided is correct. I used a password with at least 8 characters, at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, and one numeric digit. Is there any way that I can fix this error? I hope you guys can help.
Any help would be appreciated.
Error to change regular expression in WPI/IIS7 – SQL
If you are using windows 7 run the installer as administrator.
Then choose yes and continue.
If you are using Windows XP, login using Administrator user account then try to install.
If this do not solve the problem use the next technique.
At the time of installation select windows integrated authentication 
Later, after installation use Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express to configure the username and password.
Download link:
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express 2005
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express 2008
If need help about how to configure Microsoft SQL server using Management Studio Express, please click here.