Error on Cities XL 2011

I got a DirectX error on Cities XL 2011. It says "No video mode supported by the game that can be found." How can I fix it?

I got a DirectX error on Cities XL 2011. It says "No video mode supported by the game that can be found." How can I fix it?
You should have graphics card of 512 MB 100% DIRECTX 9 compatible ATI RADEON HD 3850/NVIDIA GEFORCE 8800 OR HIGHER before it works.
Your video card may not be supported by the game. However you can try updating your video card
driver if they have a web site or try lowering your resolution.
You have to know the requirements of Cities XL for operating system and video card.
You may check your video card by going to start-run & typing dxdiag. f your video card is not supported it means you will need to purchase another card that is supported by Cities XL.
I have found a solution on your problem. Please update the following drivers and program for it to solve the problem that you are having.
1. Download and Update your video card driver that is available on their site
 2. Download and Update your direct x to its latest version Try to run again the program if it will work now but if not please check the system requirements of the game maybe it is really did not met the system requirements for the game. City XL is strict on its game requirements please enjoy your stay here have a good day.
Thank you Leceta Manak! I followed what you said and checked the specs and requirements of the game. Looks like I have to buy another videocard. Thank you for your help though. Means alot. Thanks TechyV!