When I tried to install my SQL Server 2008 R2 I get the following message:
MsiGetProductInfo failed to retrieve ProductVersion for package with Product Code = '{AEB9948B-4FF2-47C9-990E-47014492A0FE}'. Error code: 1608.
Any ideas how to get around this? Appreciate any idea.
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Error Code 1608 this time?
To resolve this behavior, follow these steps:
Run the Office 2003 Setup program.
In the User Information dialog box, type your product key in the Product Key boxes, and then click OK.
In the Product Compliance Check CD Key dialog box, click OK.
In the Product Compliance Check dialog box, in the Drive list, click the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive that contains the Office 2003 CD.
Remove the Office 2003 CD from the computer's CD-ROM or DVD-ROM, and then insert either Office XP CD1, Office 2000 CD1, or Office 97 CD1 (as appropriate to your situation). If you are using Office 2000 Small Business Edition, insert Office 2000 Small Business Edition CD2.
Wait approximately 30 seconds to permit the computer's CD-ROM drive to recognize the CD that you inserted.
In the Product Compliance Check dialog box, click OK.
When the Microsoft Office 2003 End-User License Agreement (EULA) appears, remove the CD for the previous version of Office from the computer's CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive, and then insert the Office 2003 CD.
Click to select the I accept the terms of the License Agreement check box after you read the End-User License Agreement (EULA), and then click Next.
Follow the instructions that are displayed on the screen to install Office 2003.
Error Code 1608 this time?
Unfortunately, this is rare error code, and it is exceptionally difficult to solve this issue. You need to follow each of this instructions to solve your SQL Server installation problem.
You need to use ORCA. That’s the small tool for editing MSIs (Microsoft Windows Installer). Regretfully, to get ORCA tool you need to download a complete SDK from this location (http://download.microsoft.com/download/2/E/9/2E911956-F90F-4BFB-8231-E292A7B6F287/GRMSDK_EN_DVD.iso), install it and find Orca.msi file. Then install Orca.msi and you can use ORCA tool.
1. In InstallExecuteSequence table sort by the Sequence column ascending.
2. Drop following rows: SkipInstallCA, LaunchConditions, FindRelatedProducts, CA_SetRefCountUpgradeFlag, CA_SetRefCountNewerFoundFlag, IsPendingRebootKey, CA_ErrorDifferentLang, CA_ErrorPendingReboot.
3. Go to InstallUISequence table and sort by the Sequence column.
4. Drop following rows: SkipInstallCA, LaunchConditions, CA_SetRefCountUpgradeFlag, CA_SetRefCountNewerFoundFlag, IsPendingRebootKey, CA_ErrorNewerVersion, CA_ErrorDifferentLang, CA_ErrorPendingReboot.
Start SQL Server 2008 installation – everything should work fine.