“Error code 2203 MS Office 2010 OS: Win 7″
In transmute of installing Windows Office 2010 the place does not touch – error 2203. An internal error has occurred. (C:WindowsInstallen1ccb60.lpl -2147287035) Contact Microsoft Product Services (PSS) FOR ASSISTANCE etc. etc. –
- Pops up
- I use Win 7 professional – using 64 bit on 3 gig retentiveness HP Pavillion –
this substance I have seen before and directs me to a line that does not survive – usersmaxappdata. And otherwise words but on my C aim there is not … usersmaxappdata – etc.
I hazard it may feature to do with iTunes because a month or so ago when Win 7 was installed, I could not get iTunes to work so titled them and whatsoever school equivalent person walked me thru changing many teck similar files and she said sometimes MSFT matter has perimeters that interact with Apple's iTunes – I judge she had me do the set up low another human calumny we set up as she and I resolved the iTunes problems
This evil communication came up two weeks ago when I also tried to reinstall Win Part 2007 pro and that was at the prompt of few evil communication having to do with OneNote – I cogitate so anyway.