The error code is 8007045a. AMCAP

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

When I am trying to connect the web camera to computer and error message is pops up.

‘It is not able to make video capture filter’. The error code is 8007045a.  I have also tried by installing the AMCap.

But it is also giving an error message. ‘It is not able to add video capture to the filter graph.’ DLL initialization routine failed.’ I have no idea whether the webcam or Windows is having problem.

Please guide me.

Thanks in advance. 

Answered By 0 points N/A #126659

The error code is 8007045a. AMCAP



This is not Windows problem. your webcam may have. but before you sure that you can try others one to video or related stores you can help from.

Webcam have need some plug related soft to browse. you can install it on your PC. the data and file is very essential for browsing. you can find it from website.

Watch your set up file if there is any restriction shown. Carefully you have to verify. if you have accept all terms and conditions you must chat with it. internet connection can increase your chat possibility. Low speed cannot perform the chat requirement. so watch out all way.

Thanks Tabassumtanni

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