Error in connecting to CCDAutoPilot5 with SkyX Pro Edition

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi. I am using software for space imaging and discoveries which is the SkyX Professional Edition 10.1.11 Build 5143. This is newly upgraded software which I installed on my Windows Vista PC. The problem is I am having an error when attempting to connect to CCDAutoPilot5 while planning. I already performed a reboot for few times now. How can I get rid of this error?

Link To Software Error, TheSkyXAdaptor.StarChart1:COleException: Type Mismatch.

(80020005) SCODE: 80020005.


Answered By 55 points N/A #121712

Error in connecting to CCDAutoPilot5 with SkyX Pro Edition


There might be something that is wrong with either of the two softwares. But before doing anything else try the following,

Check to make sure that they are working properly if used separately.

Remove them both from the computer and install them again.

Restart the system.

Once restart is done open the Skyx and reset it again.

Once the two softwares are installed, check to see if the site information is entered properly. FOVI must be defined as well. However it is not important in your case as the error is been caused by something else.

Run the Ccleaner after downloading it too. There might be some registries that are causing the issue.

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