Error in connecting to mobile internet

I have a problem in connecting the internet connection in my mobile phone model Nokia c530 after I inserted a sim card intended for internet connection and I get a message that my mobile drive C: was full.

I have a problem in connecting the internet connection in my mobile phone model Nokia c530 after I inserted a sim card intended for internet connection and I get a message that my mobile drive C: was full.
A mobile has space like a hard drive has when you visit to a page of a web site the page is actually save temporally in your mobile memory if the mobile’s memory is full it can’t access to the web site because it does not have the space to load the page. So you have to free some memory of your mobile than try it. If not then try to re-install your browser. Then try it again. It may help you. If not go to your service provider. You can also try it by moving you file from you c drive. Â
Hello Cordova,
You might be getting that issue because your mobile phone's drive C: is full. Note that when you are accessing the internet the phones uses system memory, and therefore when the drive is completely full it means that the phone is running on very low memory, and as result causing the issue that you are getting.
You will therefore need to do the following to free up some more space on the drive C:
After that you can try browsing and see if it will connect successfully.