I made a copy of my original Windows 7 installation disc in case I lost it. When I have to install my OS due to some issues, I used the copied disc to re-install Windows 7 but it doesn’t play and I can’t eject it also. I tried hitting the eject button on my optical drive but the error below just showed up. Is this an issue with the disc itself or with my optical drive? I need advices please.
Microsoft Windows
An error occurred while ejecting ‘DVD RW Drive (G:)’.
Error in Ejecting my Windows 7 Installation Disc
Here's what you can do for this particular error, but before you do any step, disable all your security software first like antivirus, anti-spyware , etc. You can enable these after you troubleshoot. Make sure also you have the latest drivers for your drive, you can get these form your cd drive manufacturer's website.
Uninstall your drive from your computer. Since you're using Windows 7, go to Control Panel and then System. Choose Device Manager on the left hand side and the Device windows Manger should open.
Select your optical drive. Right click on the name and then select uninstall.
Reboot your computer and let the pc recognize the device and re-install it. Use the updated drivers that you downloaded.
If that doesn't resolve your issue, you may have a faulty drive. Contact your cd drive manufacturer and let them know. Hope that helps!