Asked By
Emma Vhon
0 points
Posted on - 07/07/2011
I want to watch a movie, the thing is that the movie is on a CD. I use QuickTime to play the movie but an error showed up stating;Â
Error Opening Movie
The movie could not be opened.
I removed the CD and play it back again, still error existed. I try to boot up and restarted my computer but same thing again, the error showed up.
I cannot play it since same error appeared. Please help me.
Answered By
Ben Flek
0 points
Error Opening a movie on Quicktime 7
Hi there,
Many reasons lie's up regarding your problem. Try to check first the CD, it might be corrupted. Try to open the CD to other computer. Another rthing is the format of the movie.
Check it first before playing the movie; right click the movie clip then select the properties and select there the general tab. Read the files checking the format is supported by QuickTime7, if not supported try to use a media player. You can try the VLC which you can download from there site; www,
This kind plays almost all kind of format. One thing is, Copy the movie into your hard drive from CD. If copying id done without error then your CD is OK, your QuickTime layer may the possible problem.
Better replaced it.