Error encountered when installing Liquid Mix Emulation in Mac

I was installing Liquid Mix Emulation in my Mac when I got this error message.

I was installing Liquid Mix Emulation in my Mac when I got this error message.
When installing Liquid Mix emulations on a Mac there is a tendency that the installation will fail because of a bug. The error message will appear after confirming the location of the installation directory and when you already entered the password.
The error occurs when you attempt to run the installer file after installing its driver:
Liquid Mix Emulation Files Web-1.0.dmg
To solve the error follow the instructions below:
The following instructions will most likely solve the problem.
Hello there,
This message is showing that some of the directory was not copied perfectly or probably did not copied at all. Now the point is first find out that installed directory form library. Delete that file and also now check the utility and clean that too if there is anything related to this software is left.
Now again install the software. Actually this program do not installed properly if once some other files of that software before the driver is installed.
Thank you,
Riley weaver