Error encounters in android application

When i run the application as android application. An error encountered
“The application has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again."

When i run the application as android application. An error encountered
“The application has stopped unexpectedly. Please try again."
In your application, you must have multiple activities. For multiple activities you declared multiple classes (each activity requires a class) in the folder SRC Under your package.
This is not the only thing you have to do. Further you also need to declare each activity in AndroiManifest.xml. Click on the manifest file placed in the android project drop down list. In the file there are multiple tabs below going to XML mode by clicking on AndroidManifest.xml.
You need to write a tab of activity for each class you have declared under package name.
Below is the sample code. Write a code below.
<activity android:name =”.abc” //since abc is your class name or activity name. Place’.’ Before it
Android:label =”abc is my activity”// you can refer any resource