Error executing the script: java.lang.SecurityException:Script execution disabled
Asked By
10 points
Posted on - 03/13/2013

I want a few tasking that could be explained with few writing workarounds on the other hand that may be universal sufficient to give a reason for a characteristic demand. It occurs habitually that I write content anywhere on a huge map however has to seem amazing up rapidly in a very far-away division of the similar map.
From time to time I cannot go there through a single step 'Ctrl-ALT-F' search and come back with 'ALT-left' but have to find the way about awaiting I place what I am searching for.
In these positions I would love to be capable to fix a 'bookmark' by utilizing a few key mixture before exit the recent location, and after finding the way in the region, go back accurately to the bookmark with one more single key mixture.
Is this of community attention?
Are there superior thoughts?
Please reply.

Error executing the script: java.lang.SecurityExeption:Script execution disabled
Check the log file for details